Drum girls and Dangerous Pie is an engaging book aimed primarily at young children and teens, and has been the top book in its series for the past several years, first released in 2021 and re-published by DayBlue Communications. Publishers Weekly wrote it as “essential reading for all.” In addition to a host of talented female musicians, the story includes a young girl who sells her own homemade music, as well as other musical instruments. The book’s colorful illustrations capture the spirit of the book’s core subject matter, while providing readers with fun facts and humorous entertainment.
After hearing about a tragic accident where a famous musician’s daughter committed suicide by hanging herself from a piano wire, aspiring musician Victoria (Vica) decides she wants to be just like her hero, so she enrolls at a music school run by her idol’s former pupil. However, her former teacher is unfriendly, and Victoria must adapt to her new way of life. When her first band, the Trouble, starts to get popular, she feels like she can really make a difference. Her bandmates include a cute frog named Plank, who helps her overcome inhibitions, while her best friend, the drummer Kit, gives her the push she needs. Victoria also finds success when her fan club begins to form, which includes Ginger, a cheerleader, and Diamond, a dancer.
Meanwhile, Ginger’s mom refuses to let him marry her only daughter, so Ginger plans a surprise honeymoon to Australia with the help of a hired carpenter. When Victoria arrives, though, she discovers that her wedding to Ginger was staged. She is devastated, believing that her dream wedding could have been possible with her natural beauty, but Kit (who is actually a real drummer) assures her that he has a solution for all her problems. Victoria and Ginger have a falling out, but then the band makes a comeback, and Victoria decides to leave. Her dad disagrees, so she travels to England, where her father wants her to continue her studies.
Once in England, she realizes that she shares more in common with the men in her music circle than with other members. One of the other members, Jon Hutton, also happens to be her uncle. The two end up dating each other. While her parents are not particularly thrilled about this, they quickly realize that their daughter has found a real musical career. In addition, the drum circles in London support the relationship, as it helps the girls stay in tune with their favorite genre of music.
When the band releases its first album, It’s About Time, it immediately gains a following. A movie is made about the group and its rise to fame. Although the lead singer’s best friend thinks the music is corny, the other girls in the group think it is the best thing since slice bread. After all, what girl doesn’t want to look like a female supermodel?
Drum girls have always been an important part of music. Their unique appearance has been there for ages, but they have only recently become popular in the United States. Drummers from all around the world have found a home here. So, if you’re interested in having a funky, fun girl in your band who sings in the most annoying way possible, look into drum girls for hire.